Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Personal Productivity Tools

 The function of TinyURL is to "shrink" a long url to a very short manageable size that is easy to deal with.

The benefits of using a TinyURL as opposed to a long one for both teachers and students are ease and clarity.  Long URL's can get transposed incorrectly or when copied sometimes the long link does not work due to formatting issues.  TinyURL takes care of these issues easily and quickly allowing students to get to the websites their teacher wants them to go to.

 The function of DropBox is to create a virtual folder that will house all your files (there are space constraints) and allow you to access them from any computer.
                                                       The benefits of using this tool as a student is really accessibility.  Often times students are working in multiple locations; school computer, home computer, library computer and this allows the student to save their work and have access to it with out having to email files or use a flash drive.  It makes working on papers and projects seamless as you will always have access to your work.  It is also beneficial for teachers as dropboxes can be shared.  Every student can share their work with their teacher through dropbox.

The function of Teamviewer is to enable another person access to your computer with out actually being there.  

                                                       The benefits for students here are that the teacher can help you even if you aren't in the same room.  If the student needs help this allows the teacher to really see what they see so they can diagnose problems or help the student understand better even if they are not in the same classroom.

1 comment:

  1. Very clearly articulated. Regarding TinyURL --- you might wish to provide an example!
