Thursday, February 16, 2012

New Tech Standards & Requirements

Oregon Educational Technology Standards

 click here to go to Oregon Department of Education page where you can view the full OETS.

The 3 OETS student standards that stood out me the most as being the most significant were (1) creativity and innovation, (2) communication and collaboration, and (3) critical thinking, problem solving and decision making. Below are some ways that I could incorporate these standards in my classroom as well as how these standards can positively augment my classroom.

Creativity and Innovation 
Using technology in the classroom can enhance the creativity that the teacher brings to the classroom. For example on a lesson on penguins in an elementary classroom, the teacher can use Internet videos to show students the penguin’s natural habitat, the students can hear the sound they make and see the way they move. Students can also use technology to breathe innovation into their own work. In the same penguin lesson students can create presentations on the new knowledge they have learned about penguins and post them on their class blog.

Communication and Collaboration
Blogs and other applications such as google docs create new windows into classroom communication and collaboration. Blogs enable teachers to collaborate with each other, share lesson ideas and resources. Having a class blog will also open school to home communication enabling parents to take a specific and active role in their child’s education.

Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making 
I think one of the current hurdles to the mass amounts of information that is available to students via the web is their ability to filter credible sources and non-credible sources. As a way to incorporate critical thinking and decision making on the web I would create and assignment where students find Internet sources for a project. They would need to find credible sources and one that is a non-credible source. The students would then present their project via another technological tool such as google presenter and defend why their sources were credible or not credible. They would need to think critically about the virtual author and decide for themselves if this author is indeed a trusted source.

 Technology is expensive. It develops rapidly and quickly old models become outdated. School funding is usually slim and doesn’t allow for the newest up to date technology. It is also expensive to maintain. In short I would suggest that finances are technology’s largest hurdles in the classroom. Because technology has become a frequent part of most our everyday lives, it has a permanent and an important place in the classroom. So how can we overcome this challenge? There are a few options; there are technology grants out there that can help equip a classroom or school with up to date technology, convincing administration of the importance of technology in the classroom is another avenue so budget allocation can shift to allow for more funding.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Analyzing Student Data in a Spreadsheet

I didn't have a lot of experience with spreadsheets and needless to say that I was a bit intimidated when this task was presented. The tutorials were very helpful. I admit that I had to walk away from my computer a couple of times and come back later with a less frustrated attitude.  My frustrations mainly came from the computer not cooperating.  I had some browser issues on one computer, as I was working on this task from 3 different computers; one mac and two windows based PC's.  I do feel comfortable working on google spreadsheets and creating charts/graphs now.

Overall considering the data from the pre and post test, each student increased their scores except for 1; Joel.  Joel experienced a lower score in his post test.  Considering the other data available Joel also has the least attendance with 8 days compared to all the other students whose attendance were at 9 and 10 days.  Joel is also the oldest student.  He is the only student in 12th grade in this class.  Joel aloso had the highest pretest score.  Considering Joel's attendance, he would have the least exposure to the teachers lessons and class experience, this could be the reason for the lower score, being the only senior in the class could also negatively impact Joel's attitude and possibly his test scores.  Perhaps he feels he should not be in this class.
Considering the formative assessments (1,2 and 3) each student did better on assessment 2 and 3, with the exception of Rut and Lauren.  They did better on assessment 1.
As the classroom instructor I would take Joel aside and see if there were perhaps some other things going on that are impacting his attendance and possibly his feelings about the class and the other students.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

SreenR - Dropbox

Click play below to view my screencast on how to use the free application Dropbox.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Personal Productivity Tools

 The function of TinyURL is to "shrink" a long url to a very short manageable size that is easy to deal with.

The benefits of using a TinyURL as opposed to a long one for both teachers and students are ease and clarity.  Long URL's can get transposed incorrectly or when copied sometimes the long link does not work due to formatting issues.  TinyURL takes care of these issues easily and quickly allowing students to get to the websites their teacher wants them to go to.

 The function of DropBox is to create a virtual folder that will house all your files (there are space constraints) and allow you to access them from any computer.
                                                       The benefits of using this tool as a student is really accessibility.  Often times students are working in multiple locations; school computer, home computer, library computer and this allows the student to save their work and have access to it with out having to email files or use a flash drive.  It makes working on papers and projects seamless as you will always have access to your work.  It is also beneficial for teachers as dropboxes can be shared.  Every student can share their work with their teacher through dropbox.

The function of Teamviewer is to enable another person access to your computer with out actually being there.  

                                                       The benefits for students here are that the teacher can help you even if you aren't in the same room.  If the student needs help this allows the teacher to really see what they see so they can diagnose problems or help the student understand better even if they are not in the same classroom.

What is Cloud Computing and Web 2.0

Cloud computing is a system of services that is offered via the internet.  The only thing needed from the consumer is internet and a computer.  The consumer can use/purchase as little or as much of the service as they choose.
The apps are stored and managed via a shared data center.  Apps are available for consumer and business professionals alike.

Web 2.0 reated and used by our social society, it enables us to stay completely connected from anywhere!
Web 2.0 apps include many that we use everyday! There is everything from socail networking like facebook and twitter to photo and video sharing like Flicker and You Tube and so much more!  Since all these applications are "web-based" I can access them from any internet computer.  I can check my facebook at home, on my friends ipad or even at the library computer.

Cloud computing and Web 2.0 enable people to work, share, socialize etc... from anywhere with out being tied down to a single PC.